Another Update
Hello All-
Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on Sam and Max. As you can see by the below picture, they are getting along beautifully. My caption for this would be Max saying to Sam, “Heart defect, shmart defect, you’re getting a smack-down, be-atch!”
[singlepic id=27 w=320 h=240 float=left]Anyway, both Sam and Max are doing great. Sam continues to grow and get stronger for his next operation. We still don’t know when this will be, but he is being monitored each week to see if he’s ready. In the mean time, he’s eating more, gaining weight, and we’ve been given permission to take him for walks around the neighborhood since the weather has been so nice. We still need to keep him away from kids and sick adults, but at least Laura and the boys can get some fresh air. Sam really loves being outside, but Max isn’t into it as much.
Thanks again for all your help and well wishes. And thanks to all those in the hood who have provided dinners… They’ve been great!
George, Laura, Sam and Max